Friday, April 9, 2010

day 37

We split into two groups, Mei Xiu and I went to the hair salon again to dye our hair while the rest headed to “shopping mall” to do their nails and shop at wal-mart. We heard that it is a lot cheaper to dye hair there then compared to Singapore. After that we headed for the farewell dinner with local students at one of the restaurant at Jian she 二. The food there was the best out of all the restaurants which we had eaten so far!

The cab uncle was very nice; he tried his best to send us to the restaurant as he knew we were late already. The road was very congested at that time as everyone is going back from work. He tried to drive as fast as possible and squeeze in any space available on the road. I’m very thankful that we met this nice taxi driver if not we’ll be late.
We had a wonderful dinner with the local students. Well, we tried to apply what we had learnt during IS lessons about China’s culture and etiquette during the dinner. We waited till the teachers start to eat then we start. As host, we teach our guests some Singapore style of toasting...”Yaaammm Seng!”

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