Thursday, April 1, 2010

day 29- April's FOOL!

I really hope that my laptop crash and broken camera lens are April fools joke. SADLY, it is not! We had practical test today and it totally sucks for me. I guess firstly I dont have enough practice and secondly, Im not use to Ms Neo's laptop. The test is 10%!!! There goes my 10% flying away just like that. ): My answers are all so different from my friends and seriously I think I may fail this test. Goodness! I must work harder for my EXAM! WORK HARDER!!!

We went to Mai De Long/ Metro (German Company) to buy more food supplies as we heard that the things there are cheaper. The crazy thing was that we are required to get a pass in order to purchase their products. The pass is like a membership card and you have to apply for it which in other words you must be a local to get it. However we dont have that pass and so we have to go and apply for a temporary one at the entrance.


The layout of the Metro is similar to IKEA's, however, the service there isn't as good as IKEA's. I'm not sure is it because of the country or is it the way they plan and handle the situation. To me, the "pass" which is required in order to purchase goods is redundant. Why must they restrict the number of buyers if they want business? It is very inconvenient for others to purchase goods if they so happen to forget to bring their "pass".

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