Wednesday, April 7, 2010

day 35

We went to the new Wuhan University of science and technology campus at at Wuchang District,(武昌区) also known as Wuhan HuangJiaHu Campus(黄家湖校区). It was a 1½ hour ride from our current campus at Qing Shan to that new WUST campus. When we reached there, we were welcome by a large group of local students. Even the digital display was displaying welcome words. After that we were each assigned a local student of the campus as a partner and they will be in-charge of telling and guiding us around the campus. I was assigned to this girl whose Chinese name I had forgotten but her English name was Theresa. She is one year younger than me and it’s her first year in the campus too and she’s from the sector of foreign language. She is very nice and thanks to her I had an enjoyable time there in the new campus.

We went to life science section of the school too... WARNING!the below content my be distrubing. See at your own risk!

They local students are really friendly and really welcoming. So far, the local students are all very hospitable and helpful. They are so friendly that sometimes I felt a bit uncomfortable because I feel that they are a bit too over friendly. Well, from here I noticed that in China, majority of the strangers will not be friendly to you but if you know that person he or she will treat you very well.

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