Good bye Singapore!Leaving hot humid Singapore for freezing Wuhan!
Well, there is a difference of 25 degrees Celsius or even more. We took China Southern Airlines to Guangzhou first and then transfer to another flight to Wuhan. Many things happened during the transferring and also when we reach Wuhan.

As we were transferring flight at Guangzhou’s airport, we met this very "interesting" aunty. Me and my friends were already in the queue waiting patiently for our turn, this Chinese looking aunty came over and stand next to us, and behind us queued many other foreigners. I saw her declaration card state that she was visiting some friends or relatives. At first we thought she was just trying to look for the shortest queue and mistaken that queue that we were at as one, so my friend told her nicely that she is cutting our queue. She gave us an innocent look and said that she thought there were two queues there, but after knowing the truth, she still insisted on staying in the queue. Since after telling her, she still insists on leaving the queue, we just let her stay at where she was. However, she seemed very concerned with what we were talking about. From what I see, I can tell that her English is not very good and when my friends and I were talking in English, she kept on turning and seems to be eavesdropping and trying to understand what we were talking about. So from there I can tell that she knows that she is in the wrong and worry about others talking about her. After awhile, she seems to feel a little uncomfortable and told us to let us go first. So in the end she went after us, but still she had cut the queue and it is unfair for the people behind us too. We secretly took a picture of her (she's wearing brown) 
They sell fruits in their airport!
Another event that surprises me was that in China, they allow people to smoke even in air-conditioned compound. We were at a restaurant in the Guangzhou airport having the most expensive and not worth lunch. Just a simple buffet cost us ¥65 which consists of a simple fried kway tiao , fried rice, some Chinese soup, corns, man tou, meat and some vegetables. The food there is oily and some were too salty. Anyway the thing that shocked me most is that they allow people to smoke in the restaurant! This is totally different practice from Singapore. It really made me feel uncomfortable taking in second hand smoke. They should have a smoking area for smokers and a non smoking area so as to ensure non smokers can enjoy their meals in the right atmosphere. From there I can conclude that they are not thoughtful to all customers.
this is their food(miss Singapore food so much)
[lesson learn- check out the buffet menu before eating]
we can see the food choice before we enter... we should check out the PRICE first!