Monday, March 8, 2010

day 5

First day of school in Wuhan! We couldn't’t find the block for our class as the blocks all look the same to us. We hurried asked the local students there and rush to class as our class rule is that every ten minutes late will get fine RMB $10.
What I’ve learnt in today’s lesson is mainly on how to plan a project, the things to consider when planning a project. We also discuss on how to prepare the skit for the china students tomorrow. All the groups decided to work together to combine individual skit into a whole class performance which enable the china students to have a fuller and more complete picture on the background of Singapore. We hope that it’ll be a success and that the china students will enjoy and even participates in parts of our performance tomorrow.
Another cool thing that happened today is that it snowed! At first in the late afternoon was light, but as it get nearer to dusk, the snow became heavier. The snow is like ice kachang bits falling down from the sky and when it touches something it melt.

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