Sunday, March 21, 2010

day 18 (21 march 2010)

Last day on board and we were to pack and leave after breakfast.
Yesterday we went under the dam and we will be going on top of the dam to view the scenery today. It is really cool to be part of this “dam visiting” since in Singapore we don’t get to experience such things. The place was more beautiful than I thought it could be. Colorful flowers were decorated everywhere and sculptures were placed at every corner.

the model of the whole area
This little girl is so cute! her mum wanted her to take photo against some scenery but instead she insisted on taking next to a caucasian old man. We met her again on our tour bus and decided to take a photo with her since she sits next to us. (:
This piece of rock is known to be found over 8000000 years ago!

We think this is the fake KFC! LOL! HFC?! HAPPY FRIED CHICKEN?

Truly impressed with what I had seen and learnt today. Never get to experience such things in Singapore and also in other countries which I had been to so far. I'm really curious how humans can build these huge walls (I'm refering to the dam). If I have the chance to come again I will linger a while longer instead of rushing to fight with the crowds to take group photos. They just simply push you away or just come into your photos! :S

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